Over the years, the capabilities of Indian industries have improved dramatically and paved the way for the induction of state-of-the-art technology in all industrial fields, viz oil & gas, refinery, power, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, fertiliser, pump & paper, shipping, aerospace, etc. This has created a huge demand for high-precision mechanical seals in India.
Mechanical seals are designed to prevent the leakage of exotic and hazardous media into the environment. Stricter legislation made it mandatory for industrial plants to employ mechanical seals for all their rotary equipment, thus creating demand for sophisticated mechanical seals for rotary equipment.
The mechanical seal market has been predominantly dominated by international players over the last five decades. The technology for mechanical seals employs high precision designing and production, which was not available in the pre-liberalization period. Way back in the early 1980s, the size of the mechanical seal market was merely Rs 15 crores and today the same has grown exponentially to Rs 1500 crores.
The GDP of India is USD 3 trillion and is one of the strongest and biggest globally. The infrastructure and core industries are growing at a rapid pace and this will be the biggest driver for growth in the mechanical seal industry. Today, Business Touch Magazine brings to you a massive player in the mechanical seal market: Sealmatic.
About Sealmatic
Sealmatic deals in the designing and manufacturing of mechanical seals and associated products mainly for oil & gas, refinery, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, fertiliser, power, mining, pulp & paper, aerospace, marine and many more industrial applications. Today, it provides the most complete selection of engineered mechanical seals and sealing support systems. Sealmatic products are globally recognized as a trusted brand in the process industry.
Sealmatic is providing a heavy-duty mechanical seal with innovative and tailor-made sealing solutions. The business of mechanical seals entails application knowledge that comes from its 32 years of dedication and experience in this technically competitive high-octane business. This requires out-of-the-box thinking in providing solutions for very difficult and complex sealing applications. Sealmatic’sspecialty lies in designing and providing heavy-duty mechanical seals for pumps, compressors, agitators and other rotary equipment. Applications where the pressure rating exceeds 100 kg/cm2, temperatures over 350 degrees Celsius, slurry content of very high level, media with high viscosity and so on.
Over the years they have designed and developed niche products to meet the demanding applications which are not only difficult to design and produce but equally challenging to install. This has been achieved from the rich data bank that they have assimilated over numerous years. To match international standards for the demanding applications the raw materials are imported from countries like Germany, the USA and the UK.
About Umar Balwa
Umar Balwa – Managing Director of Sealmatic has dedicated himself to the field of fluid sealing technology since 1989 and has introduced fresh ideas and ground-breaking designs for heavy-duty engineered mechanical seals. His experience of over 30 years in global business has earned him the position of international spokesperson for the group.
His dynamism and vision have created an international platform for the group’s various businesses. Under his strong leadership, the business grew fourfold in the last decade. He is respected and appreciated by various global partners of the group. His dedicated and affable personality is an inspiration to all those who work alongside him. Many people wonder why Mr Balwa choose to venture into a very difficult field such as the mechanical seal business.
“I dabbled with hospitality and realty, then spun dreams and made plans about establishing other businesses, but once I set foot into the mechanical seal business, I knew that I had found my calling. Sometimes, we meet our fate when we least expect to “. – Umar Balwa
Sealmatic Legacy
At Sealmatic they care. They ensure that the production process is safe for their employees and is environment-friendly. Each seal produced is proof of the endless dedication and passion of each team member. Currently, more than 100 associates are part of the Sealmatic family. Where each day becomes a new opportunity, where innovation and creativity meet fine craftsmanship, where knowledge, experience and hard work become the pillars on which the company stands, and the vision to globalise becomes the foundation.
Sealmatic’s management and employees take active participation in establishing and supporting Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) policy and procedures. By maintaining compliance with applicable EHS laws and regulations Sealmatic strives to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of its employees and others affected by its business operations.
Uniqueness Of Sealmatic
The mechanical seal industry is highly competitive. It requires a huge amount of time, money and energy to reach a certain level. When they started in 2011 after ending their joint venture with Feodor Burgmann of Germany in 2007, they consciously made efforts to set up a plant to match international standards and specifications.
Domestically they are second to none, as Sealmatic provides a comprehensive package to customers, right from the selection of mechanical seals to the installation and training of the personnel at the end user premises. Sealmatic is the preferred vendor for various projects in the core industrial sector due to the knowledge and application-based solutions that they provide for critical equipment.
Today, it provides the most complete selection of engineered mechanical seals and sealing support systems. Sealmatic products are globally recognized as a trusted brand in the process industry. Dedicated to delivering the highest quality support, Sealmatic services and solutions integrate hydraulic, mechanical and materials engineering knowledge with creative solutions. It improves equipment reliability and system performance, reduces energy consumption and improves the safety and environmental impact of operations. Their products guarantee the highest quality standards and application know-how with full service to their customers.
• Not only in terms of employing hardware and software but also implementing very high international standards and a highly trained team, Sealmatic is proud to state that they have more than 100 visits from international customers to their premises and all of them have said simply one thing – “state-of-the-art international facility”.
• Sealmatic is the only Indian company that has the distinction of API Q1, ATEX & EU FDA certification for mechanical seals.
• As a domestic mechanical seal company, they are the only one that employs FEA & CFD for hardcore design and development of mechanical seals.
• They have tools such as MSD (Mechanical Seal Dictionary), SSG (Seal Selection Guide), AKH (Application Know How) and many others which have catapulted Sealmatic into the big league of international players.
• Sealmatic is perceived and respected globally as a high-quality mechanical seal company with cutting-edge technology.
The Future Roadmap of Sealmatic India
The future of Sealmatic and the Indian industry at large is bright. It is in the rightful place; at the forefront of the mechanical seal industry in the global arena. At present they make deliveries to more than 45 countries and want to be physically present with sales and service centres in every continent.
Sealmatic wants to be the preferred choice when it comes to mechanical seals with various customers that make India proud with their contribution in the process of making India, truly, a global powerhouse. Moreover, they are continuously investing in highly trained manpower and the best software and hardware. Sealmaticemploys the latest technology available to improve its designs and processes. In short, Sealmatic is investing in the future.